Presentation Request

Education Abroad is available to speak with classes, student groups & organizations, departments, or events about FAU education abroad opportunities. Presentations can be accommodated from Monday – Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (requests for presentations outside of these days and hours will be considered on an individual basis).

Presentation options are listed below:

  • Study Abroad 101 for Students - Provides an overview of education abroad services, programming, and funding, as well as next steps students can take to learn more or start the process.
  • Study Abroad 101 for Staff & Faculty - Provides an overview of education abroad services, programming, and funding, as well as how to best support prospective, current, and study abroad alumni.
  • Study Abroad Alumni Experience - Invite a study abroad alumni to share their study abroad experience with your group and answer questions.
  • Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Planning (Departments only) – Learn more about the process for developing and proposing a faculty-led study abroad program.
  • Custom Presentation – A special presentation focused around a specific topic; i.e. funding, data, trends.

