Digital Badge Series Frequently Asked Questions

When will I get my badge?
Badges are issued/delivered after you've received Final Grades at the end of the semester. They are typically sent about one to two weeks after the last day of Finals.
Where do I receive my badge?
Badges are delivered to your FAU email address via a system called Accredible. The email includes badge information along with a link to access and share it.
How do I access my badge?
Open the email you received upon receiving your badge and click the View my badge button or the URL at the end of the email. This takes you to a page in Accredible that is specifically for your individual badge.
How do I share my badge? (click image to enlarge)
The page you reach when you click the View my badge button听from the email contains two ways for you to share your badge:
    1. Email: click the EMAIL button below the title of the badge to send an email that includes your badge info/link to anyone.
    2. Social Media/LinkedIn: click the social media buttons within the Share Credential area to post your badge in different social media platforms. You can also add it to your LinkedIn Profile by clicking the Add to My LinkedIn Profile button within the same are.
    3. Your badge is also publicly accessible. This means that you can copy the URL for your badge's page and paste it directly into emails/chats/etc. that you send to anyone.
Do I need to make an account to view/share my badge?
You do not need to make an account to view/share your badge. However, making an Accredible account allows you to view all your FAU-issued badges in one place without having to track down emails from previously earned badges. It also allows you to manage your badge visibility and social media settings.
How do I create an Accredible account?
Go to the site and click the Create New Account听button. Make sure to use your FAU email address to create the account so that your badges from FAU synchronize automatically. If you used a different email address or already have an Accredible account, submit this for assistance with your account.
Where can I find out more about my Accredible account?
Visit to learn about the full set of features/functions within your Accredible account and badges.